
MASE Workshop

In cooperation with Milestone Srl, Proanalytica organized a Workshop called Microwave-Assisted Solvent Extraction in its demo laboratory, where the Ethos X device was presented. This interactive seminar lasting 3 days was attended by numerous collaborators from laboratories all over Serbia. Thanks to the representative of Milestone Srl and application specialist, presentations were held on “Fat determination in food samples” and “Extraction of organic pollutants from environmental samples“. In real time, the principle of the device is presented, as well as the extraction process itself. We are proud of the great turnout and thank everyone who attended. You can still schedule your appointment at


New bulletin “Short and clear”

We present to you our new newsletter called “Short and clear”!

In this issue, we announce the start of our showroom activities at Autoput za Zagreb, no. 22. The space represents the real working environment of the laboratory and offers equipment and materials that are part of our regular offer. High-quality laboratory furniture materials, the production of which we have been successfully maintaining for more than two decades, are an integral part of our setup, as well as the instrumentation of renowned manufacturers of which we are representatives.

On this occasion, we offer the opportunity to demonstrate the operation of the microwave extraction/hydrolysis and esterification system by Milestone srl, Italy. Schedule your appointment, and our team of engineers and analysts will present the performance of the equipment we offer, give a presentation that will walk you through all the essential aspects of the method in question and answer all your questions. Get informed regularly through our newsletters and contact us to define a visit date for demo work in our space.
+381 (0)11 3130 542

KOETTERMANN announcement


We are pleased to inform you that our offer, starting from August 2022, includes a program of laboratory furniture from the renowned world manufacturer Koettermann GmbH.
The highest quality laboratory furniture and Proanalytica’s professional technical team will ensure complete safety and comfort in working with the most aggressive substances, with the aesthetics of classic lines and elegant details, in your new laboratory.

Konkurs za posao

Zbog povećanog obima posla, kompanija Proanalytica d.o.o. raspisuje konkurs za prijem u stalni radni odnos novih radnika za sledeća radna mesta:

Monter u službi proizvodnje laboratorijskog nameštaja
Potrebne kvalifikacije:
  • Minimum srednja stručna sprema (III ili IV stepen)
  • Poznavanje rada sa osnovnim ručnim električnim alatom
  • Sistematičnost i odlične organizacione sposobnosti
  • Odgovornost i proaktivnost u rešavanju problema
  • Vozačka dozvola B kategorije
  • Montaža nameštaja u proizvodnji ili na terenu
  • Priprema alata i materijala za montažu
  • Isporuka i montaža nameštaja na terenu u zemlji i inostranstvu (Hrvatska, Severna Makedonija, Crna Gora i Bosna i Hercegovina)
  • Obuku
  • Dinamičan posao
  • Otvoreno i pozitivno radno okruženje u stabilnom preduzeću
  • Stalni radni odnos
  • Rad u izuzetno korektnom kolektivu

Matrix of the month!

Marzipan and drinking cocoa!

One thing can not be missed at Christmas time: Treats, such as marzipan or a hot chocolate! At this time of year, hardly anyone can resist these sweets. But as delicious as it tastes – it can be dangerous. Because the two end products are processed from almonds and cocoa beans, which are mainly imported from third countries. A long and wrong storage makes them more susceptible to molds that produce highly toxic, aflatoxins and ochratoxin A. In order to be able to control excessive toxin contamination, especially during importation, the European Commission‘s implementing regulation has set limits for these mycotoxins that may not be exceeded.

17 mycotoxins at once – CrossTOX® makes it possible

LCTech‘s CrossTOX® columns enable highly efficient sample purification of regulated and expected mycotoxins. At the same time, they improve the conventional dilute-and-shoot application by a QuEChERS-based non-dispersive (SPE) purification procedure.

A specially designed sorbent guarantees a high removal of analytically interfering sustances even from difficult matrices. CrossTOX® can be used to purify both cereal-based matrices as well as nuts, dried fruits and spices can be processed with excellent purification of contaminants with very good results. The loading capacity is 3 mL (corresponds to 0.6 g matrix).

Purification via CrossTOX® is either manual or automated possible with a FREESTYLE SPE roboticsystem or even fully automated in combination with an HPLC Direct Injection module. Depending on the matrix, the majority of analytes are measured without internal standards and with excellent chromatographical results and recoveries. Internal standards and increasing sample purity, also decreases the enormous costs per sample as well as maintenance costs and chromatography times (LC-MS/MS).

Processing Protocol

Extract 20 g of matrix with 100 mL (84/16 (v/v)) Acetonitrile/Water. After stirring for 30 min, centrifuge the crude extract at 3000 x g and transfer up to 3 mL of the supernatant through the CrossTOX® column into a sample vial using a syringe. An aliquot is analyzed for the mycotoxins aflatoxin B/G and ochratoxin A by LC-MS/MS.

In this way, many samples can be quickly prepared for LC-MS/MS analysis by means of SPE without toxins remaining in the filter material or interfering substances from the matrix, such as fats and carbohydrates, colorants and aromas, negatively influencing the analysis.

The CrossTOX® column not only impresses with good recovery rates, but also shows its strength in reliable quantification without using internal standards, thus enabling immense cost savings per sample. Further advantages are no contamination of injector, cone sweep or transfer tube. This processing protocol allows high sample throughput, significantly extended maintenance intervals and cost reduction. The results obtained show an equally good performance as the immunoaffinity columns (see table above).


Webinar – Milestone Ethos X microwave extraction/hydrolysis

Recently we’ve held a new webinar dedicated to advanced microwave extraction for food and feed products.
Our target was to introduce a unique technique for microwave extraction, hydrolysis, concentration (evaporation) and esterification that changes everything we are used to until now. Instead of spending a lot of hours for each process step necessary to reach final result by using a lot of instrumentation, now you are able to make everything done by only one instrument unit in just a few hours.

Milestone Ethos X microwave extraction system offers possibility to run two process step simultaneously (hydrolysis, extraction) in single vessel after which it is possible to concentrate samples in the same instrument by changing only rotor body. Complete process is automated and dictated by single method implemented in software database which enables operator to easily perform extraction process and automatically calculate final result.

EasyTemp technology gives an significant advantage in process reliability among all available techniques:
contactless IR temperature monitoring in each vessel makes an unique advantage that redefine cycle conditions regarding the current readings – method’s temperature profile is adopted every few seconds after the reading at each position is made. By this feature system ensure maximum safety even relatively different matrices are applied to be processed at the same run.

Flexibility: Milestone Ethos X microwave extraction system gives a possibility to run digestion programs beside extraction process using rotor with the same number of vessels – 15 at the same time.


Webinar – TOC parameter determination from aqueous and solid matrices

Jedan od najznačajnijih ekoloških parametara – ukupni organski ugljenik – iz segmenta elementarne analize jednog od naših najznačajnijih partnera, Elementar GmbH
nudi mogućnost detekcije TC, TC-TIC i NPOC parametara u svim tečnim i čvrstim matriksima.
Podsećamo vas na prednosti koje vrlo samouvereno ističemo ispred kompanije Elementar GmbH, široke mogućnosti, fleksibilnost u radu, visoku tačnost dobijenih rezultata.

Želimo da vas uvek držimo ažurnima po pitanju svih specifičnosti koje nas izdvajaju na polju elementarne analize, da vas pravovremeno uputimo u izmene i unapređenja implementirana u instrumentaciji koju zastupamo i na taj način budemo deo unapređenja vašeg načina rada. Našom uslugom koja podrazumeva više segmenata učešća u vašem odabiru adekvatne instrumentacije, upotrebi iste, razvoju metoda prema potrebama i uredbama koje zajedno pratimo kao i konačnoj aplikativno-tehničkoj pordšci, nastojimo da unapredimo ono što se objedinjuje u nazivu “Usluga”, a deo toga upravo je i periodično podsećanje na ono što mi za vas radimo, a kroz posvećene prezentacije, seminare, online sadržaje.

Danas smo tu da podsetimo prvenstveno na vode, budite sa nama da zaokružimo ovaj segment ekološke svesti koji je izuzetno zapostavljen!